Thursday, March 18, 2010

Week 9 EOC -- McDonalds

While the idea of a $10 hamburger at McDonalds may seem outrageous to some I think that it is definitely a possibility if the chain made a few small changes to the menu. Right now eating organically produced food that was raised close the restaurant is the new craze across the nation among the bourgeois masses. The fact that this food is all natural and seemingly not mass produced in a foreign country allows for a higher price tag. In essence if McDonalds were to add higher quality meals to their menu they would be able to charge more. If for instance they began offering whole wheat buns, farm raised fresh beef patties, and organic vegetables the price tag would go up and perhaps the type of clientele would expand as well allowing the chain to reach even further in its never ending quest to be number one. Other options may be to consider offering baked yukon gold french fries, a higher quality potato than that of it’s ‘Idaho spud’ counterpart and healthier than the deep frying of their regular fries allowing for a higher price tag to accompany the organic burger. Making these changes would more than likely not be a huge strain on the company as they already have all the necessary equipment to make the hamburgers, they would just have to order better ingredients, and I would assume that they have some sort of oven/heating device in which they would be able to bake the fries. If McDonalds were willing to make these and perhaps some other changes, I see no reason why they would not be able to feature a $10 hamburger on their menu.



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